Mining Company and Stone Quarrying
Unbeatable Quality from Atacama
Inca Trail - Qhapaq Ñan
The Inca Trail was a road system that linked all the important cities of the Incas.
The path consisted of a strip between 1.00 and 1.50 meters cleared of stones. The descents and ascents were zigzag and at every certain distance there were stone walls for protection.
Chile's Atacama Desert, the oldest and the driest nonpolar desert on Earth, tract of land wedged between the coastal Cordillera de la Costa mountain range and the Andes Mountains. The region boasts stunning geologic formations and has provided scientists with a wealth of research opportunities, including NASA.
The beginnings of mining in the Chilean Atacama region go back to pre-Spanish times. ... Gold, silver, copper, iron and many other minerals and stones have been mined in the Atacama region for many centuries. Historical mining certainly began with the pre-Inca cultures. During the Inca reign, it was intensified and developed between 1750 to 1810.
Small-scale mining in the Atacama is deeply embedded in the culture of North Chile. Many companies have been working for centuries.